
Teresa Cunillé Award 2023


Next Monday, November 20, the Teatre Romea Ownership, with the collaboration of the Theater Institute, will present the awarding of the Teresa Cunillé Award, to the best works on the history of theater in Catalan. The event will take place at the Teatre Romea in Barcelona.

In this third edition, the prize expands its scope and, in addition to the research modality for the best research work on the history of theater in Catalan, it offers for the first time the dramaturgy modality for the best adaptation project an existing text or the creation of an unpublished original text linked to the rescue of the historical heritage of Catalan theatre.

The jury will be made up of the following people: As president, Laura Cendrós, representative of the Romea Theater Ownership. As vocals, Mercè Amat, translator and interpreter; Enric Ciurans, professor and director of the Department of Art History at the University of Barcelona; Narcís Comadira, writer and translator; Susana Egea, Director of Research at the Theater Institute; Francesc Foguet, professor of Theater Studies at the Autonomous University of Barcelona; Enric Gallén, historian and theater critic; César Martínez, General Director of Art and Content of the Focus Group; Pere Riera, dramaturgy and staging professor at the Theater Institute, and Marta Turu, spectator. And as secretary, Araceli Vilarrasa, representative of the Vilarrasa-Cunillé family.