
Program of the Grec Festival of Barcelona in the theaters of Focus


The list of shows that make up the program of the Grec Festival de Barcelona 2024 has been made public and, as every year, the theaters of Grup Focus participate with stage proposals that exemplify the artistic line of each of the theatrical spaces managed by the group.

Thus, at La Villarroel, comes Les Mans, a text by Llàtzer Garcia, directed by Sílvia Munt and starring Raquel Ferri and Ernest Villegas, which portrays a couple trying to find each other again through art. At the Teatre Goya, we will have Poncia by Luís Luque, a monologue based on the character of La Casa de Bernarda Alba and starring Lolita Flores, which brings a new perspective to the classic by Federico García Lorca. The Teatre Romea will host Tirant lo Blanc, a theatrical adaptation of the classic by Joanot Martorell signed by Màrius Serra and directed by Joan Arqué, which links the adventures of the mythical character with contemporary conflicts with a groundbreaking and modern staging. Finally, the Teatre Condal presents two shows for this year’s festival. On the one hand, Macho Grita by Alberto San Juan, a parody with live music about masculinity and the imperialist drift of Western nations, and Artemis, a musical monologue of its own creation about dreams of the future and the entry into adulthood. The show, Mireia Morera’s first work, was awarded the prize for Best Song Lyrics in the first days of RIIIING! Els musicals que truquen a la porta.