
Presentation of La Temporada Focus 2023-2024


Last Friday, September 1, the new 2023-2024 theater season was presented at the Teatre Goya in Barcelona by the four theaters managed by Grup Focus: the Teatre Goya, the Teatre Romea, La Villarroel and the Teatre Condal.

The event, which featured the protagonists of the season, artists, creators, directors, accompanied by cultural authorities and members of the recently created Audience Councils of the Teatre Condal and La Villarroel, followed a theme based on new technologies and in virtual tools to exemplify the bridge that the group conceives between habitual audiences and new audiences.

Jordi González, vice president of Art and content at Grup Focus, Daniel Anglès, artistic director of the Teatre Condal, Josep Maria Pou, artistic director of the Teatre Romea and Tania Brenlle, artistic director of La Villarroel presented the Goya, Condal, and Romea seasons and La Villarroel respectively, great shows, original and surprising, that will delight the public.

In the new season, productions that have become absolute achievements for critics and the public share the bill with new shows that predict an equally positive reception and the notable consolidation of double programming that will offer proposals for all tastes and audiences. In addition, family programming will have special relevance with the new cycles Goya en Familia and Romea en Familia.

The presentation also served to take stock of the 2022-2023 season, which exceeded all expectations, showing an upward trend in the return of spectators to theaters, which has become the record in the history of Focus: 410,000 spectators and more than 9 million in revenue in the four theaters, which represented increase ratios, over the previous season, of 20 and 30% respectively. 70 shows were presented, in 1,389 performances, with an average of 347 performances per theater. And it turns 418 pins, 85 more than the previous season, which also represents a record for the distribution team; and 4 shows that had a season in Madrid.

The event concluded with a desire for hope for the future and a renewal of the commitment that Grup Focus signs, not only with the world of performing arts, but also with the artistic fabric of the city and with the cultural legacy of the spectators and spectators of tomorrow.

In this link you can see the season presentation: