How would you define yourself as a theatre-goer? What do you like, what don’t you like? What kinds of shows do you like? What “hobbies” do you have? What habits? Who do you usually go there with?
I am a theater person who likes to consume all kinds of shows. It is difficult that, at the outset, there is one that does not interest me in any way.
I am one of those who think that in the theatre, as in life, there is time for everything: to laugh, to cry, to be indignant, to learn about other realities, to reinterpret the great works of literature, to be moved…
I am lucky enough to share my passion for the theater with my husband and daughter, so it is with them that I go the most, but I also like to take the students there and enjoy the discovery that it means for some of they this world Often, I also act as a cheerleader among my friends and work colleagues and organize groups to go to the theater with… I have among my memories memorable evenings at the theater and shared times talking about the shows
I go to the theater as much as I can. There are weeks that only 1 time and there are others that 4 or 5. But I always, always, have shows left on the to-do list!

What other cultural activities, beyond the theatre, do you usually practice?
I am a frequent player of escape rooms, as well as a regular reader.
What is the best memory you have of a La Villarroel show?
Choose one, it costs! Perhaps of the last ones I’ve seen, L’Oreneta and L’illa deserta would stand out. But if I stop to think a little the list would become endless!
What about the other Focus theaters (Teatre Romea, Teatre Goya, Teatre Condal)?
I have an unforgettable memory at the Romea Theatre! I broke water while watching the show Put on my glasses on the life of Vicent-Andrés Estellés. My daughter, l’Estel, who 12 years later says she wants to be an actress, was not born in Romea by miracle!
Although this second memory is not as memorable, it was also special at the time. At the Teatre Condal I saw the first play that was performed after the months of closure due to COVID. We were on the front page of the newspaper NOW and everything!
What are your expectations for this season of La Villarroel? What would you highlight from the scheduled shows? What surprised you the most? What do you most want to see?
I really want to take the opportunity to see all the shows of the season. To share theatrical conversations with the other members of the Council and to enjoy the shared passion.
I really like repeating Dirrty Boys accompanied by as many friends and acquaintances as I can! For this show I will definitely organize a group.
With which 3 values do you associate the experience of going to La Villarroel?
Shared experiences.
What is your main motivation to be a member of the Public Council of La Villarroel?
To know from the inside how the theater works and to nourish myself intellectually by listening to the contributions of the other members of the Council.
What do you think the Public Council can be used for?
To bring the theater closer to a wider audience. The perspective of the spectators, even if we are assiduous, is different from that of the professionals in the sector. We are sure to provide a view that will complement the view of the specialists.
What do you think you can contribute as a member of the Public Council?
I can provide a sincere opinion, passion for theater and young audiences, since knowing the program closely I will have the opportunity to make recommendations to my students and former students.