How would you define yourself as a theatre-goer? What do you like, what don’t you like? What kinds of shows do you like? What “hobbies” do you have? What habits? Who do you usually go there with?
Using medical terms, I’d say I’m “broad spectrum”. I don’t want to say that I like everything, but that I am not limited by the subject matter or the genre: drama, comedy, classical works, musical theater… I really enjoy all kinds of performances. I have to say that the presence of a certain actress or actor encourages me to buy the ticket; as an example, I think I have missed few works by Josep Maria Pou or Pere Arquillué. Unfortunately, due to extreme work schedules in recent months I have not been able to maintain the frequency of one to two features per month. I usually go with my wife and occasionally friends or some of the kids join me. At the end of the function, let’s have a bite.

What other cultural activities, beyond the theatre, do you usually practice?
Classical music concerts, opera, ballet performances. I also participate in a book club. I study classical guitar.
What is the best memory you have of a show at the Teatre Condal?
I have many but one of the most recent, from about a year ago, was the representation of Golfus in Rome. Not since La Filla del Mar had I enjoyed a musical in Catalan so much; I was surprised by Jordi Bosch’s performance and I was struck by Mercè Martínez’s vindictive appeal in favor of musical theater in Catalan.
What about the other Focus theaters (Teatre Romea, Teatre Goya, La Villarroel)?
For a few years, the Goya theater has become my second home (memorable performances by Pou, the surprise of Lolita in the role of Colometa,…). The Villarroel (indestructible by Emma Vilarasau) and the Romea (where I chatted with Federico García) are also part of my particular “theatre” (sorry for the neologism…).
What expectations do you have for this season of the Teatre Condal? What would you highlight from the scheduled shows? What surprised you the most? What do you most want to see?
It seems to me a very balanced schedule. Offering the possibility of performing works performed by new artists seems to me to be a fantastic initiative. I am very curious to see Escape room 2.
With which 3 values do you associate the experience of going to the Teatre Condal?
Personal enrichment.
To share.
What is your main motivation for being a member of the Teatre Condal Audience Council?
Deepen the theatrical fact, value all the work behind each performance, meet people with different ways of thinking, try to contribute ideas that improve the theatrical experience…
What do you think the Public Council can be used for?
To share with the people who “make” all these dreams our experience as receivers and/or enjoyers (sometimes sufferers) of the theatrical fact.
What do you think you can contribute as a member of the Public Council?
A vision close to people who suffer and who need, although many do not know it, the catharsis that comes with a theatrical performance. Theater must be prescribed!