The Focus events division was in charge of the general coordination and production of the 10th edition of La nit de l’empresa i la cultura, an event organized by the...
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Focus, present at the opening and closing of the America’s Sailing Cup
Last October 10, the ceremony Barcelona, Far al món, the inaugural show of Louis Vuitton’s 37th America’s Cup took place on Bogatell beach. Focus, leader of the joint venture made...
La gramática arrives at Nave 10 de Matadero de Madrid
La gramática, a Focus production written and directed by Ernesto Caballero and starring María Adánaez and José Troncoso, arrives on November 29 at Nave 10, the new room at Matadero...
Un matrimoni de Boston arrives at La Villarroel
Last Saturday, October 12, performances of Un matrimoni de Boston began at La Villarroel, a play by David Mamet directed by Josep Maria Mestres and starring Emma Vilarasau, Marta Marco...
Alegría, from Cirque du Soleil, arrives in Seville
Cirque du Soleil, with its iconic show, Alegría, continues its tour of Spain after the great success achieved in Barcelona, Malaga and Alicante, now arrives in Seville. From the 28th...
The magic of Harry Potter The Exhibition is already in Madrid
After its successful passage through Barcelona, Harry Potter The Exhibition has already landed in Madrid. From October 4th until January 6th, the event is installed at the Espacio Ibercaja Delicias...
Spectacular opening ceremony of Louis Vuitton 37th America’s Cup
On October 10th, the Barcelona, Far al món ceremony took place on Bogatell beach, prelude to the final of the Louis Vuitton 37th America’s Cup. Focus, leader of the joint...
Tickets for the II International Congress of Barcelona Theater Spectators are now on sale
From November 18 to 20, 2024, the Teatre Romea will host the second edition of the Barcelona International Theater Audience Congress and tickets to attend are now on sale and...
Un amor particular. El musical arrives at Teatro La Latina in Madrid
Un amor particular. El musical will take the stage of Teatro La Latina every Tuesday between October 22 and December 3 to make its audience laugh and move this autumn....
Concert Sara Baras and Josep Carreras
Technical production of the closing ceremony of the America’s Cup to be held on Passeig de Gràcia, with the assembly of a large stage located in the section between the...